Tuesday, January 20, 2009

News Report- Did Gertrude betray Hamlet

On Monday, December 15, 2008, a class debate took place at Rockland District High School. The topic at hand being whether or not Gertrude betrayed Hamlet. The affirmative side consisted of Adam Young, Matt Brown and Stuart Gendron. The negative side consisted of Tyler Keith, Jon Hughes-Khatib and Alex van der mout. The judges at hand were Stephanis Wilson, Jayme Bedell and Megan Marshall.
The debate started with each group's opening argument. The affirmative side claimed Gertrude had betrayed Hamlet because to betray was to deceit and that was something Gertrude was definatley gulty of. The negative side claimed that Gertrude did not betray hamlet because it only seemed as though she had done so because of her marriage to Claudius. The rebutle from both sides did not finish the time requirements as there was little negative to say about each other's arguments at that point.
The second argument started with the affirmative side claiming that Gertrude was not in love and did not mourn the death of Old Hamlet. The negative side claimed that she only remarried into the family to solidify her spot in royalty, and that she would have known the glass was poisoned if she had in fact betrayed him.
During the thrid and final agrument, the affirmative side claimed that Gertrude was selfish and faught against the needs of both Old Hamlet and Young Hamlet. The negative side claimed that she only remarried so that Hamlet could continue to be the hier to the throne. The final remarks were made and thus the debate ended.
In the end, the debate point totals came out to be quite close and it came down to the judges final desisions and they decided that the negative side had better arguments.

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