- Hyperboles-A comparison that is a sort of exaggeration. I tried a thousand times.
- Similies- Comparison using the words like or as. As tall as a tree.
- Metaphors-Comparison without using the words like or as. The man is a ticking time bomb ready to go off at any moment.
- Litotes-The use of two negative words to make a postive expression. I didn't not do it
- Euphamisms- The use of a less offensive word to replace an offensive one. Oops! I passed wind!
- Onamatopeias- Words that also make a sound. Boom!!
- Paradoxes- A statement that appears to condradict itself. Slow and steady wins the race.
- Puns-A phaes that confuses similar words on purpose. The ghost practiced scaring people night after night. He was finally ready for his day boo.
- Oxymoron-The combination of two contradictory terms. Jumbo Shrimp.
Example from The Public
When Janet Jaskson and Justin Timberlake coined the phrase "Wardrobe Malfunction" to deescribe their incedent at the Suberbowl in 2004. This is an example of a Euphamism.