Sunday, December 14, 2008

Activity 1.2

Activity 1.6

Hamlet was motivated by to transform by his suspicion that Claudius did in fact kill Old Hamlet. He decides to pretend to be mad to make sure that the others are scared of him. He is very convincing as many people wonder what has happened to him. It even appears for many instances that he is not acting and that it is actually him. Many of the people close to him accept this as normal actions for someone who has just lost their father and has had their uncle marry their mother. They accept this as a normal course of action for someone who has had many unnerving things happen to them in such a short period of time.

Activity 1.4- Essay Outline

Thesis “Hamlet was insane”
Introduction- The play hamlet...
Reason 1- His strange behaviour throughout the play.
Example - Anger towards Claudius
Example- Everyone seems to notice his behaviour.
Reason 2- He sees the ghost of his father.
Example- At the start.
Example- Later on he sees the ghost as well.
Reason 3- He seems to be obsessed with killing Claudius.
Example- His intricate plan with the play.
Example- It’s all he thinks about.
Conclusion- So as you can see Hamlet was in fact insane.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

ISU- Long Essay

This is my long essay entiltled Saramago: Better Poet then Novelist
Click the link Below to see,the-stone-raft-essay.docx